Busy is the enemy of brilliance

One of the many things that all of the leaders I am fortunate to work with have in common, is that they are really good at their job.

Or so they think.

Now, hold on. You may have just read that and thought, “Ouch, that’s a bit harsh.” But hear me out.

Lots of leaders have done the job of the people they lead. They know what to do in any situation their team finds themselves in,

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Thanks for just being you

Lots of companies that I work with know they don’t recognise people often enough.

It’s not because they don’t want to, it’s because they are busy being busy. They achieve & then move onto the next thing.

They realise though that there’s value in pausing, reflecting & recognising the efforts people have put in to go the extra mile, overcoming obstacles. Now it’s more conscious, it happens more often. Yay!

But I’ll often follow this up with reminding them that people doing their job is also worthy of recognition.

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